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NSRS Services
Max Turner Inc
North Shore Rolling Stock Inc
North Shore Rolling Stock Services
Distributorship and Supply Chain
Over the years in business, NSRS has successfully built excellent relationships with numerous high-quality manufacturers and suppliers of spare parts and assemblies. These relations have given NSRS the ability to offer volume distributorship price bracket for virtually all range of rolling stock fleet. NSRS has developed a comprehensive data base of manufacturers and suppliers and as a result has the capability to locate all parts and components within a short time period which led to the company motto “If we can’t make it, we’ll locate it”.
Engineering and Design
North Shore Rolling Stock Inc. has designed a diverse set of products across a broad range of rolling stock equipment, which can be found in a wide variety of assemblies in different type of locomotives and freight cars. NSRS’s portfolio expand across multiple avenues, such as, developing products from concept to production, replacing OEM products with better efficiency and lower cost. NSRS has proven time after time that has the capability to design products that not only meet OEM requirements but also exceed them as well.
NSRS also has the capability to design and produce components that are no longer supported by OEM through reverse engineering program designed – which includes design, material analysis, fatigue and stress analysis, casting simulation, heat treatment, and hardening process – to produce virtually any part or component.
And even more...
Project Management
We nulla iaculis offer risus justo ulputate complete donec placerat ulputate nulla iaculis eu creative volutpat donec placerat metus erat risus justo ulputate dolor amet ulputate complete amet.
Creative Services
We offer complete donec placerat eu creative volutpat donec placerat metus erat vulputate nulla iaculis eu. Class litora torquent iaculis eu creative.
Placerat metus erat, conubia nostra, per inceptos vulputate nulla iaculis eu creative volutpat donec placerac imperdiet risus justo ulputate volutpat donec placerat.
Digital Security
Donec placerat metus erat, conubia nostra, per inceptos vulputate nulla iaculis eu creative volutpat donec placerat metus erat, conubia nostra dolor ipsum.
Cloud Services
We offer vulputate nulla iaculis eu creative volutpat donec placerat metus erat vulputate nulla iaculis eu. Class litora torquent! Donec imperdiet creative volutpat donec placerat met.
Website Audit
Nam egestas euismod nulla ultrices tincidunt nostra, per inceptos vulputate nulla iaculis eu creative volutpat donec placerat.